Dr. M A Halim Khan is an esteemed and highly experienced Endocrinologist with a vast wealth of knowledge in the field of Endocrinology. With extensive expertise in the management and treatment of various endocrine disorders, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and hormone-related conditions, Dr. Khan stands out as a leading authority in his field.
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See MoreHormones are the chemical substances that are produced by different glands in the body and are carried to various organs through blood.
Most of them, yes. We need to understand why the hormone level is high or low by different tests mainly blood tests. In most the cases treatment is much simple than it is thought.
This depends on the exact diagnosis. If this is due to deficiency of a hormone and we are replacing the deficient hormone then in most of the cases the answer is yes.
Well, not as a routine. Some of the problems in the field of Endocrinology has connection with genes no doubt.
Family history of thyroid is the main risk factor. If you have a family history and you have symptoms suggestive of under- or overactive thyroid, it is worth seeing your doctor for a physical examination and blood test.
No, certainly not. Thyroid cancer is not common. A big thyroid gland for whatever the reason is called goitre.
Baby in mother’s womb needs good thyroid balance of the mother, thyroid hormone problem is a common cause of miscarriage. Also for growth of the baby depends on mother’s thyroid balance. It is very rare to have thyroid problem in the baby for mother’s thyroid issue, so there is nothing much to worry from that point.
Yes, there is treatment for short stature. Initially good balanced diet with exercise, thyroid function screening and treatment of chronic diseases are tried with regular growth monitoring.
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